We don’t get fat because we overeat

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March 31, 2016Is this email not displaying correctly?
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“We don’t get fat because we overeat; we overeat because we get fat.”

Have you ever finished your lunch or dinner, only to find yourself hungry again shortly after? Or, perhaps found yourself continuing to eat despite feeling full? These are both common appetite-regulating experiences shared by many, myself included, but are especially common after consuming high-carb, insulin-spiking foods. The reason we find ourselves eating more, or more frequently, is because excessive sugar in the blood (in the form of carbohydrates), disrupts insulin levels and hormone function; appetite-regulating hormones being one of them. With so many individuals stuck in this overeating cycle, we no longer question our appetite habits; we simply continue to eat more.

With sugar constantly traveling through our blood, wreaking havoc on our hormones, breaking free can seem almost inconceivable. Gary Taubes…

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Chronic pesticide exposure causing lung damage in children, equivalent to health effects of second-hand cigarette smoke, study finds

(NaturalNews) Persistent pesticide exposure in children causes damage comparable to that of second-hand cigarette smoke, according to a new study out of California. Researchers from UC Berkley observed “significantly lower exhalation rates” in children whose bodies contained elevated levels of breakdown products from organophosphate pesticides, reports Pesticide Action Network (PAN).

Scientists found children exposed to the pesticides exhaled 8 percent less air than children not exposed to the chemicals.

Organophosphate pesticides, or OPs, are the most toxic group of pesticides to vertebrate animals, yet are the most commonly used insecticides worldwide, according to PAN, a nonprofit that challenges “the global proliferation of pesticides” and works to implement responsible and sustainable farming practices.

Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/052286_pesticide_drift_lung_damage_childrens_health.html#ixzz3u7vAnttF



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Government data shows U.S. being bombarded with Fukushima radiation 1,000 times higher than normal

(NaturalNews) Government data shows that the U.S. is being bombarded with Fukushima radiation 1,000 times higher than normal.

In the months following the 2011 meltdowns at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, residents of Los Angeles were being exposed to levels of dangerous alpha radiation nearly 1,000 times above normal levels, a government study found.

The data came from a July 2012 presentation at the National Conference on Radiation Control. The presentation was given by Joji Ortego, Principal Radiation Protection Specialist for Los Angeles County Radiation Management.

Learn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/052291_Fukushima_California_radiation.html#ixzz3u7SsCpMV


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Another virus outbreak slams Chipotle’s reputation

BOSTON — The company’s “food with integrity” slogan seems absurd at a time when at least 141 Boston College students — including members of the basketball team — are sick after eating at a Chipotle restaurant near the campus. The culprit this time: norovirus. The latest crisis comes as Chipotle is still dealing with the…



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 move the U.S. should be taking seriously


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The Superstar of Whey Proteins – One World Whey

With each day, the world advances further in discovering nature’s secrets. Vibrational science is one of the secrets to ideal health and paramount to wellness. All things are made up of vibrations. Along the spectrum of vibrations, some vibrations offer more life giving results than others. When it comes to food, the basic physical structure is not all that matters. The way food is prepared can greatly influence its energetics and determine how nourishing it will be to the body. One World Whey has been vibrationally enhanced, using a proprietary process, to offer your body maximum health benefits and nutrition.

We cannot disclose much about the process, but those who are followers of natural medicine will be familiar with the concepts we are using as they are not new.  We use the term vibration, but there are other terms for this life force. The Chinese, for example, used the term Chi to describe the amount of life giving, energy in person, animal or plant. For centuries, wise herbalists and healers have known that there is a distinction between high and low vibration foods. We have applied this knowledge to bring you an even more potent version of One World Whey.

We all understand the feelings of fear vs. love. We all know the feelings of fear will destroy our health when these feelings are chronic. We also know that the feelings of happiness and love will always promote health and well-being. This analogy should help us to conceptualize that food, when properly grown or raised, will promote health, well-being and happiness from a biochemical and vibrational perspective. In the same way that a positive heartfelt prayer can improve the quality of your food energetically, so too can a technology be used to energetically improve food.

One World Whey is super food of epic proportions. The whey is derived from healthy grass pastured cows. It is uniquely processed to leave the proteins in a non-denatured or undamaged state, and then it is technologically enhanced. Our pure and powerful whey is then mixed with non-GMO maltose or dextrose. 

People who have consumed our latest version of technologically enhance One World Whey report an increase in energy and well-being within 20 minutes with these effects lasting up to 4 hours. These reports far surpass any previous version of One World Whey and surpass any reports we’ve heard from any other whey protein powder.

We are confident that we will receive a landslide of wonderful testimonials from our new and improved One World Whey within the first 3 months of release. The new and improved One World Whey is currently in the making! It should be available in 7 weeks or sooner.

Pet Wellness with Dr. Wallach and Youngevity

Pet Wellness with Dr. Wallach and Youngevity.

via Pet Wellness with Dr. Wallach and Youngevity.